The Brooklyn Studio Boerum Hill Rowhouse Foyer
We are pleased to announce that Neuhaus Design Architecture has joined The Brooklyn Studio.Learn More
Cobble Hill Italianate Brownstone Kitchen
Strong Place Rowhouses

The Brooklyn Studio is an architecture and interior design firm committed to restoring and enhancing New York City’s historic fabric.

Cobble Hill Italianate Brownstone Kitchen
We create extraordinary places, we honor traditions of craftsmanship, and we celebrate the shared experience of architecture and design — a tie that binds communities, capable of enriching lives and inspiring joy. Founded in 1997, we have built a reputation as one of New York’s premier architecture and design firms.

Featured Project

Park Slope Neo-Grec Rowhouse

This project comprised a full rehabilitation of a four-story, 3,900-square-foot rowhouse located just outside Brooklyn’s Park Slope Historic District. The Brooklyn Studio’s goal was to transform this rowhouse into a modern home for a family of six, while also preserving its historical and architectural integrity.

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Park Slope Neo-Grec Kitchen